Monday 5 December 2011


Before editing

After editing

Here I have done the witch in her cloak so that she resembles how she looked in the trailer so that the audience recognise her and the synergy looks consistent. I have done her on a brick wall with candles on either side of her to make it look gothic and also reflect on the dark twist that we have created in the film to interest people, most people would think that the film would be based around Hansel and Gretel but we want to show the audience that it is based around the witch as well. She is looking down and not into the lense to show a different side to her, that maybe she is lonely and this may keep the audience guessing.
To edit the image, I increased the saturation, exposure and the midpoint and decreased the vignette to cause this effect that would get rid of the surrounding and make it look like she is living in darkness.
The text has been edited by adding an inner glow to make it look gothic and show that Hansel and Gretel has a darker twist, the red has been used throughout the campaign to look recognisable and to make the synergy look consistent. On the billing block I made sure that some text was bigger to stand out such as 'MUSIC BY', I also added the Warner Bro's logo to show who the film belongs to and to link it with the trailers ident. The text for the website and the date have been done different deliberately to stand out, especially the date to make it stick in the audience's mind. The actors' names have been put at the top to make them look recognisable to the audience and if they see a famous name, they may relate their name to a film that they have previous been in and go to see them.

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