Monday 5 December 2011

Time Schedule


Magazine front cover

Before editing

After editing

When taking the pictures of Ashley, I decided that I wanted a white background so that the text I was going to put on top stood out and it didn't look cluttered, I also think that this look looks professional. Ashley plays the character of the witch and I intended to not put her in her costume because I wanted it to be an interview with Ashley. An interview with the actress herself and not the character will make the audience think that they will be able to get more personal and see the article as more interesting.
I edited the picture by using surface blur to take away any imperfections and sharpen the picture to make her features stand out. As you can see from the picture, her skin has been become smooth and her facial features stand out. I then increase the saturation and the exposure so that there is more colour to her face and to make the her face have light on her to stand out. The exposure has made her eyes and her lips brighter to make her stand out more and look well groomed. For the dark edges around the image, I darkened the vignette and make the midpoint lighter, this makes it look like a lense around the image and I think this gives it a professional look like other media products.
I have used a range of texts to resemble other media products such as Bookman Old Style, I think  simple looking texts have a better effect and don't take the attention away from the image. To make some texts stand out from others, I have added a drop shadow which looks professional and makes each text look different from one another to represent each article.
The masthead of 'RealFilm' has been done deliberately from a reel of film. The house style of red, white and black has been chosen since the red reflects on horror and it is also the house style for Hansel and Gretel.


Before editing

After editing

Here I have done the witch in her cloak so that she resembles how she looked in the trailer so that the audience recognise her and the synergy looks consistent. I have done her on a brick wall with candles on either side of her to make it look gothic and also reflect on the dark twist that we have created in the film to interest people, most people would think that the film would be based around Hansel and Gretel but we want to show the audience that it is based around the witch as well. She is looking down and not into the lense to show a different side to her, that maybe she is lonely and this may keep the audience guessing.
To edit the image, I increased the saturation, exposure and the midpoint and decreased the vignette to cause this effect that would get rid of the surrounding and make it look like she is living in darkness.
The text has been edited by adding an inner glow to make it look gothic and show that Hansel and Gretel has a darker twist, the red has been used throughout the campaign to look recognisable and to make the synergy look consistent. On the billing block I made sure that some text was bigger to stand out such as 'MUSIC BY', I also added the Warner Bro's logo to show who the film belongs to and to link it with the trailers ident. The text for the website and the date have been done different deliberately to stand out, especially the date to make it stick in the audience's mind. The actors' names have been put at the top to make them look recognisable to the audience and if they see a famous name, they may relate their name to a film that they have previous been in and go to see them.

Thursday 1 December 2011


We chose the soundtrack from Sleepy Hollow because it fits well in with our trailer. We orginally thought of a slow creepy lullaby which may seem like Hansel and Gretel but with a deranged twist. The soundtrack we originally chose was a lullaby but we thought that we wanted it to be a bit more up tempo so that it would fit in with the action scenes. It starts off slowly and then gradually gets faster, louder and heavier, we wanted to scare the audience as the song picked up the tempo. The song reflects on horror and action which is exactly how we wanted Hansel and Gretel to be perceived. The clips we slowed down at the beginning fitted in well with the slow tempo at the beginning and then started to pick up were we had snippets of clips to add to the fast pace. The tone of the song is eerie which is suited to the disturbed fairytale that we wanted to create. After the witch's door slams, the pace picks up which is used to excite the audience as it gradually leads to the point of seeing the witch's terrifying eyes which will hopefully have a dramatic effect. We used the Mac's microphone to record the loud shut of the door and stop the music to fit that in which is when the song picks up tempo. We think this song definitely fitted in with the pace of the clips better than the original lullaby. 

Chapter sheets for takes (photos of clapperboard style sheets with details of what was wrong in each take)

Shot lists