Thursday 13 October 2011

Analysis of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 poster campaign

The Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 poster campaign included a lot of posters. Not that the film needed promoting but that since it was the last instalment the posters would probably be seen as special since it is the last film. Each character had a poster to themselves, this could be because we've followed each of the characters since the first film therefore it makes sense. On some of the billboard posters, there are certain scenes shown like when Harry Potter and Voldemort battle and one of Hermione and Ron. These moments have probably been used as the audience want to know what happens as it has been anticipated from the start. Will Harry survive? And will Hermione and Ron kiss? This teases the audience and therefore makes them want to watch the film. Throughout the campaign process there are a lot of 'freeze frames' which reflect on the action and hype of the film. The main part of the poster campaign are the slogans like 'IT ALL ENDS 7.15', this could reflect on the Harry Potter franchise finishing and what happens to  Harry and Voldemort in the story. There is a definite colour scheme of blues and blacks throughout which I think apply to the semiotic theory of sign>signifier>signified, in that the blues and blacks represent fear, darkness and the unknown of what is to happen. It reflects on Harrys life of battling Voldemort throughout the many films. The posters of Harry and Voldemort battling reflect on red being Gryffindor and green possibly being Slytherin as we have followed them being enemies throughout and how it has played an important role. There are many close up shots of every character which captures the emotion in their faces, Harry's reflects on the unknown of what is to happen, fear, determination and many more. This will capture the audience and reflect on how important this finale really is.

Video of the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 poster campaign


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